Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Take a time to find a job, students urged

The student should not worry about searching for jobs while studying for their degree, says the outgoing head of university admissions service Ucas. Mary Curnock Cook, who steps down in the month of April, suggest that the student needs some time to find the new job after their finals. She said that while talking to BBC Radio that many youngsters needed time to find a good job for their career. She urged student and parents that do not feel stressed or worried if you take some time to find suitable employment for you.

She further added that I am not saying that everyone should leave universities and doss or enjoy without any worries, but I do think that it’s really inappropriate that university's success is measured by the number of students who got the jobs.

She also stated that Life is not working that way, it’s not about the lawyers, the medicines and the people going for the financial services. We are in the 21st century and today we have plenty career option and opportunities in front of us it just that we need to take some time to decide which is the best career option for us in the coming future and should find the job accordingly.

If you have done a more generalist degree in let’s say economics or English or business or any other filed there is huge opportunities and career path in it so just that it will take some time to find that path but once you find that path you will walk ahead with the great success.

Ms Cook, who is also a parent, said student and parents should not get nervous if they move around between the number of jobs at the start of their careers because sometimes things takes time you just need to patient because stress not going to solve the problem and plus getting a highly paid job is not in your hand it is just that you need to wait for the right opportunity till then keep on working on it and once the opportunity comes you will going to be flying high with the success.

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Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Students pay almost £400k in library fines

Universities in Lead have made almost £400k from fining students for overdue library books in past three years.

Leads University accrued the most money from overdue books, collecting more than £211k in fines since the 2014/15 academic year.

Leads Beckett, which collected £147,509 was the second highest, which Leeds Trinity University was third with fines totaling £27,682.

A spokesperson for University of Leeds said, “The University has five libraries and nearly 33k students, so our size is a factor in any comparison of library fines due to the number of student we have and all fines are invested back in to our library.”
With the fine of 10p a day for each books is overdue it shows the students are returning the thousands of books late every year.

The universities say that all the fines which have received will be used for the library services. The money will be spending on resources including various books and journals, which will be beneficial for the students.

A spokesperson further added that. “Fines are used as a strategy to ensure prompt return of books from students and plus books will be available for all the students in context of sharing the resources equally. The college staff also is charged for the same.”

Students generally support the use of fines to encourage their fellow students to bring back books promptly so they will get a chance to use them.

The Leeds University spokesperson also said that. “The cost of living is an ongoing conversation between us and the university. We will continue to work with the libraries and ensure that students are kept inform on policies and procedures that may lead to fines and that these are fair and transparent.”

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Monday, 24 April 2017

Kids to pen road safety message

Creative Primary School children in Leads could help draw up important road safety message.

Charity Brake is calling on children aged 4 to 11 to enter its road safety poster promotion.

The main aim regarding this motive is to inspire and engage children about the need for driver to slow down there speed so that children and youngster can walk and cycle to school safely without any worries about the vehicles.

Brake’s Community engagement manager Dave Nicolas said, “This is a wonderful opportunity for Schools, Children and parents to help together to help in create the awareness about the danger of speeding in their local community or near schools”.

This competition already backed by police and fire chiefs. For this competition they also have created two groups one is four to seven and other on is seven to eleven. The children have created various kinds of designs and banners which will go on display outside the schools or in the local community. For this competition Children can also win price worth hundreds of pound for themselves and their schools.

To help teachers and road safety professionals inspires students; Brake has produce series of free resources. These includes assembly and workshop presentation that they can deliver to either the whole school or to a single class on a day on their choice Children can create a poster about dangers of speeding.

Mr. Nicholas further added that, “We are sure our new resources and competition will inspire our generation to create awareness among the adults about the danger of speeding and will make them understand about the road safety while driving on roads. He also said I would be encourage if any schools that works with the children aged from four to eleven to enter, and we look forward to seeing their designs.”

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Saturday, 22 April 2017

Three New Schools to be created in Leads

Three new schools are set to open in Leads next year, in order to creating more than 1700 new places for students.  The Government has announced.

A primary, a secondary and sixth-form center will be built in a bid to tackle the shortage of the schools in the city.

Education Secretary Justine Greening said,’’ We need schools that can bring out the best from every child despite where they are growing up, and how much parents earn or however different their talent are.’’

The minister further added that ,’’ That’s why this new schools are important for us, they give us the school places which we need for future, and also it will gives the parents more choices to find a great schools for their child and most importantly it will help for the student to get educated and secure their future.

Leads city council has welcomed the announcement and will help to deliver the scheme for the betterment of the students.

The announcement comes a week before parents across the city will find out which primary school their child has been allocated.

The parents were also very happy with this development as they feel that now they will get more choices in order to select the best school for their children and they won’t be facing much difficulties in order to getting the admission.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Secondary schools twice as likely to be rated under-performing by Ofsted, study finds

Secondary schools are almost twice as likely to be under-performing than primaries, according to new research.
More than one in four secondaries, 904 in total, could be considered to be performing below expectations, compared with just one in seven primary schools. 
The research, published today by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), also reveals that there are sizable disparities according to where schools are based in the country.
More than 534 state primaries and secondaries are in need of attention in the East Midlands and Humber, around 21.2 per cent of all schools in the regions, while 16.5 per cent of schools in Lancashire and West Yorkshire are also thought to be a concern.
In contrast in North of England has just 275 underperforming school, the lowest as compared with all other region.
were considered underperform if they were judged by Ofsted to be inadequate improvement. If they fell below the governments floor’s standards.
The NFER said the disparities could undermine the efforts of regional school commissioners (RSCs) - charged with improving schools in the area - to turnaround poor performers. 
The report claims that there are 573 schools that are in "immediate need" of attention, meaning they are rated as either inadequate or requiring improvement by inspectors or below Government standards

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Ban 9am lectures for students, experts say

According to researcher at The open Universities, tradition lecture of 9 am should be scrapped and student should allowed to start their day later,  It is maintained in report that in order to perform them well in their academics the lecture should start from 11 am.
Working with the researcher, the experts analyzed the student pattern of 200 students and found that their academic performance was best in between 11 am and 9.30 pm.
Paul Kelly of The Open university, said : ‘’Student do better in their studies, if they can target their study time to adjust with their personal rhythm and at the time of the day when they can to the work effectively and efficiently.
Having get up early in the morning for lecture might be caused the mental health problem for them, he further added.
According to study biological changes beginning in puberty shift natural wake and sleep times by up to three hours later in the day. And this shift is at its greatest at age of 19.
The traditional education and work follows and start at the fixed times, however adult who  has just turned around 18 or 19 likely to struggle with the learning time which feels unnatural to them.
The report author also said that.’’ the process between the sleep timing shift and educational institutions usual hours causes significant sleep loss’’.
Sleep loss can also affect the performance of academics and also lead them towards obesity, depression and drug abuse.
In 2009.Monkseaton High School in North Tyneside partook in an experiment by delaying school’s start times from 8.50am to 10am. And to surprise this experiment lead in to increase in the percentage from around 34 per cent to about 50 per cent.

So if the universities were to choose a new standard starting time the group has suggested anywhere between 11 am and 1 pm would be close optimal for the average undergraduate student.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Youngster helping their peers to make the grade.

As the fearful exam period comes nearer, many of the nation’s young students are beginning to feel nervous about their performance in the exam.
And no matter how much your parents and teachers tell them that it will be alright do not be nervous, but it can be really tough for them to cope up  with and not get stress out with this situation.
But now new campaign has been launched for the teenager in order to help them to face their exams.  So here they are taking the help of other student who has just appeared this exam, by sharing their experience about the exams.
The Mindset is the UK’s first national peer to peer coaching network for GCSE students, and it aims to stress out the student who are just going to appear for the exam by showing them short films and videos of previous students and about their experience of exam in order to get them some idea about how to prepared for the exam and how to tackle with stress at that particular time.
The BBC Learning initiative is working in partnership with Child line, Young minds and the National Citizen Service to provide the student coaching together with the help of expert support and advice.
Sinead Rocks, head of BBC Learning say’s, It will be good experience to student who are going to appear to exam to see the videos of previous students experience, because the previous student has gone through with the same situation and come out of it successfully, so it will be motivating experience for the current student in order to follow the footsteps of previous students.

The main worries of these students are the expectation of others, like they constantly think about that what will happen if I am not able to achieve expected grades of them so it result in to stress and sometimes they unable to cope with this stress.
So this initiative certainly helps the current students who are going to appear the exam in order to overcome from fear.

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